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 Movement for the Wise

 with  Sandra J. Gaillard


Danceteria: Weekly artist improv jam

Saturdays 1-4p (drop-in anytime)

$5 suggested donation cash/venmo


Rediscover your creativity and build new relationships through play and improvisation at the gorgeous 53212 Presents studio. Each week guest hosts provide inspiration through movement and dialogue so you can get into the groove and engage with others in free-flowing movement, light contact or socializing. Photographers, musicians, dancers, and anti-disciplinarians are all welcome. No shoes required. No experience required.



4/4    ArtsECO advocate and super mom Joëlle Worm   

4/11  Ten feet tall, It's fashion icon Ivy Jerin

4/18  "Mediocrity Over Nothing" instavid kid Zachary Schorsch  

4/25  TBD






Lavish Jules.jpg


Fridays, March 6, 13, 20 and 27 1-3 pm 

One class/$15 or 4 class pass/$50


Known as an advocate for the expression and representation of queer people of color, Lavish Jules is creating a safe space for community members to explore their own identity and voice through burlesque arts and performance. Students can look forward to a few guest appearances by local legends. Register in advance here.

Read Lavish Jules' latest review from the Shepherd Express



Intended for the older, aging, or injured body, each 90 minute

class is designed to protect and protest against the negative stereotype that as we grow older we can only lose ability. 

Classes are inspired by dance, but are approached more naturalistically, as a movement class. The total being is

activated: the mind, body, voice and vital force  rejuvenate,

bringing energy with a purpose to your life. Every inch of the body

      is awakened improving your attitude and overall sense of well-                   being. Students are encouraged to move at their own pace                        with guidance from the instructor. 

Mon- Wed 9:30-11:00 am (COMING SOON)
$10 per class


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